APC Only Caching 1 File cPanel suEXEC mod_fcgid

Saturday, January 19th, 2013
Last Updated:
Saturday, January 19th, 2013

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For the second time, I've run into an issue where I could get APC all setup and showing to be working, but it would only show 1 Cached File. The cached user files appeared to be working just fine, but for some reason the files wouldn't cache. I've got a VPS running on a CentOS cPanel setup and the first time I ran into this issue(about a year ago), I remember spending a lot of time trying to hunt it down. It's been a year later and PHP, MySQL etc needed some updates, so I ran the EasyApache upgrade to re-compile all the apache and php goodness. Well, when I upgraded the Apache and PHP, it broke my APC.

Digging into the issue for a bit, I ran across This cPanel Forum that triggered the reminder as to why it wouldn't work the first go around...

I'm not a linux guru by any means and I have no idea what the APC fix breaks, but it has to do with commenting out something in php.ini.

Basically open up your main php.ini file. In the case of cPanel, I just use the one located at:


Locate the line:


and comment it out. (make sure to restart httpd)

I'm guessing I told EasyApache to re-install that extension and since it was commented out in the php.ini file, it scrubbed it and stuck it at the very bottom of the page. For some odd reason it was under my custom [memcached] stuff... Makes me wonder now if it has something to do with making memcached work... sigh

Either way, I don't use memcached at the moment and only care to use APC. Commenting the line and restarting Apache got APC working again!

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